In summary, we believe...
~ Scripture: We believe that the Bible, only, is the true and inspired Word of God.
~ Jesus Christ: We believe that God's risen & reigning Son died for our sins and is the only way of salvation.
~ Grace: We believe God has given His grace to us freely, apart from works.
~ Faith: We believe that faith is the only way we can receive God's free gift of Grace.
~ The Glory of God: We believe that God deserves all the glory for His works.
If you would like to learn more about what we believe and how we do things, you could read our church constitution or you are welcome to get up with us for a conversation
CFC Constitution

Meeting Location:
(YWCA of Bristol)
Bristol, Tennessee 37620
Google Maps: https://goo.gl/u8rDhi
10:00am Prayer
10:45am Worship
Noon Fellowship Meal
(2nd & 4th Sundays Discipleship Time: 2pm-4pm)
After worship each Sunday everyone is welcome to stay and continue the fellowship by sharing a meal with us. The meal will be immediately served by volunteers. Some of you may just want an opportunity to get to know us a bit before deciding to worship with us. You also are welcome to just join us for food and fellowship. The meal is intended to be a light and savory meal that can be utilized either as lunch or as a snack if there are those who have plans for a bigger meal later in the afternoon.
Following are the food items that will typically be served:
- A variety of nice breads
- A bread dip, such as pesto or olive oil
- A variety of nice cheeses
- A variety of nice fresh fruits and raw vegetables
- Juice, Tea and Water
- Occasionally some sort of meat may be served
Ask us about being a part of one of our discipleship groups or ministry teams.
~ Men’s Leadership Discipleship Group
~ Women’s Discipleship Group
~ Multiply Discipleship Group
~ Instrument’s In The Redeemer’s Hands Discipleship Group
~ Music Discipleship Group
~ Jail Ministry
~ Abortion Mill Ministry

"I (Scott) will be leading a Bible study beginning Thursday, January 7th. We will meet weekly for nine weeks and cover the book of Colossians. The first week will be an introduction to Colossians. After that, there will be homework each week and a time to share what God has shown us that previous week. I will provide a copy of the text and study questions to answer. My hope is that each participant will begin learning the technique of “inductive Bible study”, which is learning how to observe and ask questions that get at the intended meaning of the passage."
We are disciples of Jesus Christ endeavoring to glorify God through sanctification in Word & Spirit, equipping one another for Gospel ministry, and loving the broken. We are Protestant, Reformed, and Evangelical. Our purpose is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

We ARe
We seek to do this through reverent and joyful worship, proclaiming the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, rightly administering the sacraments He has instituted, making disciples of Jesus Christ, and ministering to the poor & afflicted with mercy and grace, as well as manifesting the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ and His holiness and love in our homes, church, community, and world.
A Special Announcement
The Church by definition and historical root of the word itself is a “called-out-assembly”. We are called by God to repent, believe, worship, fellowship, proclaim, and disciple. We are called to present and practice His might and love to the world. As the inward call of the Holy Spirit restores and renews, we are called out to be distinct from the world, and to be disciples drawn outward by Christ’s love to one another. We are covenantally called out to assemble together as His body, many members with many gifts and roles, with Jesus as the Head of the Church. Jesus Christ’s authority and His calling supersedes all other authority and calling. We gather ourselves together in Christ, and gather others together to Christ.
Although the Church is not a building, the Church is not isolated, not virtual, not governed by the state nor fear. In Christ, we are not to be afraid of the sting of sin in sickness and death, but neither should we be cavalier and unloving when there is a contagious virus spreading that can be very harmful and deadly, especially to the most vulnerable among us. We fear God rather than man, but we obey God by submitting to earthly authority according to (and limited to) their callings and responsibilities. We have the responsibility and liberty to be governed by His Word alone, but His Word proclaims that what is lawful should also be fruitful and driven by the summary of the law: to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love others as ourselves. We are grateful for a nation and state that recognizes the God-given calling and right to assemble and worship, and we will continue to prayerfully seek to use faithful discernment in how to respond to social distancing guidelines given by those we are covenantly bound to, including governments or organizations outside of the Church.
With these things being said and so, we seek to take precautions to guard against the unnecessary spread of the virus. After consulting multiple sources to the best of our ability, we are implementing and adhering to the following precautions:
1. Anyone with symptoms of fever and chills must remain at home. If you have a persistent dry cough that is not directly related to allergies, you are asked to remain home. Since this is an airborne virus, it is imperative that we not take the risk of spreading it to others when it can be avoided. If you need to remain at home, please contact one of the elders so that we may pray for you.
2. Please take the time to wash your hands frequently using either soap and water or hand sanitizer.
3. Please be considerate of those with compromised health immunity and those who prefer to wear a face mask and maintain social distance. Discern whether it would be best to wear a mask around others and minimize social contact, and be gracious to all. Do not wear a mask if you are having difficulty breathing or are feeling faint.
4. We are using additional sanitary precautions as we prepare and handle Communion.
5. We are attempting to follow additional sanitary precautions and cleaning that the YWCA has implemented as a part of our rental agreement with them.
6. Access to the restrooms will be only through the gym, not the kitchen.